Product (Pricing) Code Size 250+ 500+ 1000+ 2500+
Deluxe Graphic Wrap (G) DFCGW all except 8.5" x 11" 2.35 1.87 1.60 1.31
Full-Color Pocket (G) FCP 4.10 3.49 2.56 2.34
Setup of $60 G for GraphicWraps (maximum height is 3.5”, for 7 x 10 books and smaller only) and PageSaver Bookmark. Add setup of $95 G for stock Adhesive Graphic size/shape (2”or 2.5”circle, 2.25”or 2.75” rounded corner square, 2”x 2.75”or 2.5”x 3.5” rounded corner rectangle). For custom AG size/shape, call factory for pricing. Full-Color Pocket setup is $120 (G).